
Are you passionate about exploring the human experience, examining the world around us through critical analysis and engaging in meaningful dialogue about culture and society? 的n a humanities degree from SMWC is right for you. Our degree programs provide the flexibility to lead you to the career of your dreams. With your professional advisors helping you along the way, you can mix and match majors and minors to get the perfect degree tailored to you and your career aspirations. Plus, you’ll graduate with a strong foundation in liberal arts.

的 humanities program at SMWC focuses on critical theory, world religions and world civilizations. 的 program is designed to help you develop a broad understanding of the world by studying literature, 哲学, history and other disciplines that shape our understanding of the human experience. 在整个项目中, you will analyze generational differences among world leaders and visionaries.

获得学位后, you will have all the skills to prepare you for graduate-level tests, 如:
Law School 招生 Test (LSAT)
Medical College 招生 Test (MCAT)
研究生 Management Aptitude Test (GMAT)


研究ing humanities means analyzing and reviewing studies of the human world, cultures and society from critical perspectives. This can include studies of law, religion, literacy and language arts, history and more.

Why get a degree in humanities?
Earning your humanities degree from SMWC will guarantee you various experiences to take into the professional world. 在学习人文学科的同时, you will gain skills in creative thinking, 解决问题, communication and building connections.

What can you do with a degree in humanities?
In addition to being prepared to take graduate-level tests, many students who study humanities find their professional passion in the following fields:

  • Law: family law, United States Department of Justice
  • Healthcare: program directors, pharmaceutical companies
  • 教育: teaching, higher education administration
  • Public Relations: advertising, development, media
  • Government: consumer affairs, travel, tourism

查看我们的博客: 10 careers you can have with a degree in humanities

What is the average annual salary of someone with a humanities degree?
Although every career can be different, studies from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show that liberal arts and humanities degrees appeal to employers. 的 average annual salary for someone with a humanities degree is $45,919, according to CareerExplorer.com.

What support and resources are provided at SMWC?
学习资源中心 (LRC) provides exceptional, personalized learning resource services to encourage student success. 的 LRC offers various academic support services, 包括一个写作中心, 辅导, college success courses and more.

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is routinely ranked by US 新闻 and 世界报道 among the Best Regional Universities in the Midwest and the 最具价值学校. Our departments are also routinely ranked for their individual degree programs.
